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Professional Guiding Experience: 16 years

Born and raised in Chicago, Drew has explored North America far and wide. From Michigan to California, from the Yukon to the southwest, this father of two boys has conducted wilderness programs of all sorts, for all kinds of people, for over fifteen years.

Drew is a graduate from Northern Arizona University where he studied Anthropology, Botany, Geology, and Forestry. He has earned his Wilderness First Responder medical certificate, received his Interpretive Guide certification from the National Association of Interpretation, as well as completing two internships with the US Forest Service; one in the White River National Forest in Colorado, the other in the Coconino National Forest in Arizona.

His professional achievements also include being an instructor of Ropes Courses, Corporate Team Building programs, Wilderness Challenge Courses, Wilderness Therapy Leadership programs, as well as an instructor of Therapeutic Recreation programs for At-Risk Youths and people with disabilities.

“Basically, I believe in the transformative power of outdoor recreation. I am personally intrigued and awed by natural areas and the opportunities to learn and connect with them. I hope I find ways to help clients experience the Colorado Plateau in safe, fun, and engaging ways.”

Drew Schlacter

Lead Guide