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Professional Guiding Experience: 20 years

Karne was born in Whittier, California and moved to Arizona in her teens. She soon found her love for the outdoors when she met her husband John. Immediately falling in love with the Grand Canyon, she abandoned her city and urban lifestyle for the dusty outdoors, picking up hobbies like hunting, fishing, hiking and mountain biking along the Mogollon Rim and surrounding areas. Running became her main focus after settling down in Munds Park, Arizona. Karne has religiously kept her athletic stature as third priority (preceded only by her family and her garden). She has also been a huge influence on her son, Brandon Snickers, another guide at FSG, by dragging him and his sisters through many different outdoor adventures. She has her husband to thank for sparking her love for the outdoors, though she has a naturally adventurous and exciting attitude. Returning to the guiding world from a previous guiding career has reminded her of the passion to be a friendly and motherly figure for the guests. Karne is excited to return for more trips after 8 years of helping the Four Season Guides team as an assistant.

Karne Snickers

Lead Guide