REGARDING COVID-19: A Message to Our Guests (Updated May 1, 2021)

Dear FSG Guests,

We are thrilled to be back out on the trails and leading guests on unforgettable hiking adventures! We have implemented comprehensive mitigation practices to ensure the safest travel experience in light of the current pandemic. We are fortunate that our business focuses on recreating in the wide open spaces of the great outdoors, maximizing opportunities for safe distancing. And our area of expertise has always had safety as our number one priority.  

Even though great progress is being made in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, it remains reasonable to expect that continuing travel restrictions, park restrictions, and social distancing standards will necessitate some alterations to normal trip practices and we continue to monitor developments and recommnedations put forth by the Centers for Disease Control. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with any precautions that may be in place.

We are so grateful for everyone’s understanding and cooperation. Please take care of yourselves, your loved ones, your friends, and your community. If we all do our part and adhere to the recommendations put forth by medical and scientific professionals, we can hopefully return to a more normal way of life sooner than later. Stay safe and we look forward to hitting the trail again as soon as is reasonable!

Kind regards,
Dave Logan


Click here to read about our Covid-19 Update to Terms and Conditions


What to Expect When Traveling With Us This Summer & Fall


Hiking-Guided Tours

We recognize that the decision to travel this summer might be a tough one. We want to make sure that you have a wealth of information and feel comfortable with the idea of joining us. There are many factors that will likely determine that. And while some factors remain out of our control, there are many that are well within our control. We wanted to take the opportunity to share some of the steps we will be taking to help ensure your safety and comfort. Whether you choose to travel with FSG this summer, this fall, or any time in the future, you can take comfort in the fact that an outdoor adventure is very well suited to these changing times.

Like it or not, we are entering into a new normal, even if only for a limited time. Social distancing is now a standard part of life and it has made its way into every facet of our day to day activities. The common and widespread efforts to mitigate the risk associated with COVID-19 will be incorporated into our trips from top to bottom. Fortunately, the nature of our industry has always required us to focus on risk management and to problem solve as situations present themselves on our trips. These additional precautions reflect our updated approach in light of the current pandemic, but we feel well-prepared to deal with the current situation and to respond in a sensible and responsible manner.


Guest & Guide Screening
We have implemented routine health screening of all staff members and guides. Each day before work, staff will have their temperature checked and will be required to complete a basic health questionnaire. Similarly, all guests will receive a health questionnaire about 5 days prior to their trip and then have their temperature checked upon arrival. Please understand that a temperature of ≥100 degrees will mean we are unable to allow you to proceed with the trip.

We will ask all guests to immediately update us to any changes in their health in the 14-day period leading up to their scheduled trip. We will similarly ask that anyone who has knowingly come into contact with a COVID-19 infected individual please contact us to discuss options for rescheduling. Any guest in a High Risk category should contact us to discuss options to reschedule their trip.

Face Coverings
We will require that all guests arrive with their preferred, reusable face coverings: standard face mask, buffs, or bandanas. We will have some available if you forget. Everyone will be required to wear their facemasks at all times during vehicle travel to/from trailheads.

Clean & Sanitized
The nature of outdoor trips, especially backpacking adventures, has always required particular attention to cleanliness and careful efforts to avoid spreading germs. We have stepped up those efforts in earnest. All vehicles will undergo regular and routine cleaning and sanitizing, with particular attention to frequently touched hard surfaces. All gear will be assigned to particular individuals for the duration of a trip (backpacks, tents, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, trekking poles, eating utensils/bowls/cups). All gear will be carefully cleaned and sanitized between trips. Additionally, every effort will be made to remove gear from rotation for at least 72 hours prior to going out on another trip.

Food Preparation
Industry standards have always required guides to be trained and certified in safe food handling. In addition to these standard practices, guides will always be wearing face masks and gloves during all food preparation. Guests will not be permitted to assit with any food preparation.

Small Groups  
Our average group size has always been approximately 6 guests with a guide and this will certainly not be changing. It’s one of the best aspects of our trips. For the remainder of 2020, our groups will not exceed 10 total people (guides + guests). If you are interested in options for Private Trips for just your group of friends or family, we would love to discuss that with you.

Social Distancing
The outdoors naturally affords us the opportunity to keep a safe and comfortable distance from one another while out on the trail. Spread out and enjoy your surroundings. We will take steps to ensure safe distances at mealtimes as well. We ask all of our guests to be respectful of one another in this regard and maintain a reasonable and comfortable distance throughout the trip.


Why Travel With FSG

Top-Ranked Tour Company

Don’t take our word for it. More than a thousand 5-Star reviews on TripAdvisor will attest to the quality of our adventures.

Exceptional Guides

Our guiding staff consists primarily of seasoned veterans who have been guiding professionally, full-time, for a decade or more. In addition to their extensive experience, our guides are fun, accommodating, approachable, entertaining, polite and just plain good people.

All-Inclusive Tours

We’re at work, you’re on vacation! We take care of all the logistics associated with a backcountry adventure and handling all the dirty work. Gear, food, permits, transportation…we have you covered and it’s all included.

Local Experts

The Southwestern U.S. is our home and our passion. We’ve been exploring this region for decades and know it intimately. This is our niche and nobody does it better.