Hiking tours into the Grand Canyon. Rim to Rim, Bright Angel Loop, South Kaibab – with our without mule support.

Gifting ‘Adventure’ For the Holidays

Most everyone looks forward to the holidays – bright colorful lights, crisp cool weather and time with family and friends. What most everyone does not look forward to are those ugly sweaters and gym memberships that often end up under the tree. So, why not do things a little differently this year? What if you…

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Training for a Grand Canyon Hike

The Grand Canyon is an extremely popular destination for hikers and backpackers alike. This geological marvel may look beautiful from atop but below the rim, there are steep trails, loose footing, and drastic temperature changes, all requiring thoughtful planning and concerted training. This article will address how to physically prepare for your Grand Canyon hike…

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The Problem with Your Bucket List (A Grand Canyon Example)

If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone tell me that ‘hiking the Grand Canyon’ was on their bucket list, I’d retire and spend the rest of my time…hmmm, well…hiking. These days, everyone seems to have a bucket list and if you’re someone who enjoys traveling, hiking, and exploring, then there’s a…

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Staying Hydrated When Hiking in the Desert Southwest

Summer temperatures in the southwestern U.S. can be extreme. And though there are certainly cooler times of year to go hiking and backpacking out here, when planned thoughtfully and carefully, a hike can be extremely enjoyable. But one of the most important elements is proper hydration and nourishment. Too many people miss at least one…

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5 Best Places to Get Your Southwest Instagram Selfie

If you have spent any time on Instagram, you have probably noticed a few of the same beautiful landscapes showing up over and over. Many of these places are located in the Southwest. The blue pools and waterfalls, slot canyons with orange light pouring into them, slickrock expanses, swimming holes, deep canyons or horseshoe-shaped river…

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Waterfalls in the Desert

Finding a waterfall in the desert is just…magical and awe-inspiring. It’s unexpected, displaced and it makes the stark surroundings of stone and heat simply delightful. Waterfalls hidden in the desert have been slowly discovered and mapped over the years. Some are kept secret so that they don’t become large tourist attractions, while others are just…

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